I'm an aspiring writer and belong to the Pacific Northwest Writer's Association. To date, I've written several articles for historical wargaming magazines and newsletters. These include: "The Citadel," "After-Action Review," "Miniature Wargames" and "Historical Miniature Gamer (HMG)." A couple of months ago (Sep 08), I uploaded a slide-show movie on to "YouTube." I titled it "The Road to Eggmuehl" and it's listed below in the "Stern Rake Studio Productions" Section. You can view a small thumb-nail version of my 8.5 minute film debut here. (Or you can log on to YouTube and get a better picture). This movie is of a Napoleonic wargame I played & filmed during our regional "Enfilade!" wargame convention.
I have one article due-out in the next issue of HMG and possibly another one in the new "Battlegames" magazine. In the meantime I'm working on another Made-For-YouTube movie. My upcoming production is about a World War II naval campaign in the Mediterranean.
Every author needs a mentor and attached are some of my favorites. Even some of the deceased ones have websites run by the publising company or estate. The list should be longer, but a number of authors, even the ones who're still alive, are avoiding cyberspace technology.
Shantytown Anyverse
5 years ago
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