Sunday, April 30, 2023

Pass in Review: Italian Vessels of the Regia Marina for Cruel Seas


(Cover Art for the Regia Marina Starter Kit)

Hi folks!  I hope you've all been well since my last post of 29 April 2022.

I'm still in Recovery Mode: Dealing with chronic pain and fatigue, along with doing physical therapy. The need to exercise and rest gives me little time, or energy, to write.  However, I'm a bit healthier, and mobile than I was this time last year.

Plus I have a topic that's motivated me to start writing again. 

Several months ago I came across some nicely painted Bolt Action figures for sale on e-Bay.  These high-quality figures were being sold by Artist Joe Keister of NE Miniatures and Models.

I was so impressed with Joe's work, that I asked him to paint, not just remainder of my Cruel Seas collection, but my entire Mound of Shame.  

But taking things one step at a time, and thanks to Joe, I'm closer to having my "Mosquito Fleet" completed.

The first batch of figures I received, was my Regia Marina (article) vessels, and wrecked structures.

Nearly two years ago, I posted about the lighthouses I painted (8 July 2021), and the difficulty I had painting the structures white.

Joe painted-up the wrecked versions I had in a dull grey, so they can represent recently destroyed, or long abandoned lighthouses.

Here's the result of Joe's handiwork, who by the way, also took photos of his accomplishments:

I have a couple of coastal tankers and a merchant ship, so naturally I had to have a wrecked version.

One of the most neglected figures I had were the aircraft that needed painting.  I had another guy paint the few that came with the Starter Kits I bought.

But they didn't turn out anywhere as great as these planes did: 

(Aircraft of all factions painted and photographed by Joe Keister)

Now for the vessels themselves: 

First up, is the MZ-Motozattera, (motor barge), used to ferry troops and supplies.

Next, are a pair of marine fahrprahm-f-lighters used as escort vessels. 

The mainstay small vessels of the Regia Marina were the MAS Boats.

But Italy had help from Germany in the construction of  M5 CRDS-60t Series-1boats, schnellboots used by the Regia Marina.

Here's my entire Regia Marina vessel collection in a Pass in Review pic.

I'm currently working on packaging my remaining Cruel Seas vessels, this time, of the British Royal Navy.

Once I ship the package out, the only task I have for now is gluing the itty-bitty Italian flags on to the itty-bitty masts.

Before my British vessels "roll down the slipways," I hope to come up with other blog-worthy topics.

Thank you for reading!