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(Image: Emerald City Comicon 2015 Banner) |
After our Jimmy Johns lunch break, Alex & I returned to The Show Floor for our shopping spree. We revisited booths that interested us during our initial walkabout. Alex bought a T-shirt and several postcards and prints.
Meanwhile, I blew my budget on a bunch of books, games and artwork.
(Image: New books!) |
The first author I revisited was Brad Guigar. I was hoping to start off my Evil Inc collection with a signed copy of his Annual Report (Vol 1). But no such luck. Volumes 1 & 2 of were sold out and Brad said he'll be compiling the first three Annual Reports into an omnibus. So I picked up Vol 3, pictured above, which Brad not only signed, but drew a quick sketch for me. (As I wrote this I got on Amazon.com and ordered Annual Report Volumes 1 & 2).
One author/artist team Alex & I stumbled across during our initial walk-through was Ben Thompson and Manny Vega creators of Badass of the Week.
I've loved reading military history since I was a pre-teen. However, even books about bloody battles can be boring to read. Not to mention how history is taught in our K-12 education system.
From my preliminary inspection, Ben Thompson dispels the doldrums with a pulp-fiction style of narrative, while Manny Vega's art adds comic book-style action. So I bought two books: Badass and Badass: Ultimate Deathmatch.
As a wargamer, and a role-player, I found several items that I immediately put on my Must Buy List.
(Image: Game supplements and a Badass card game!) |
The first item was the Badass Team's card game Spades & Grenades, which came complete with a Badass Handbook. (Ben & Manny signed all my books and the handbook).
I was happy to see a Flying Frog Productions booth in the Gaming Area on Level 2. Copies of all their games were available for sale including their new one--Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients. Not only that, but they had a plethora of convention-exclusive/mail-order-only supplements for the following games I just happen to own: Last Night on Earth, A Touch of Evil and Fortune and Glory.
There were five scenario supplements for Last Night on Earth, along with a campaign deck and a pack of radioactive zombies. I bought all the supplements available for A Touch of Evil, and Fortune and Glory (two each). However, I only bought one of the Last Night on Earth scenario supplements, along with the campaign deck and radioactive zombies.
Which scenario to buy wasn't a hard choice for me. As a retired TACP member, there was no way I was going to pass up the new Airstrike Supplement:
(Image: A closer look at LNoE's Airstrike Supplement) |
There were plenty of books I wanted to buy, but shelf space in our house is becoming a rare commodity. There is however, a lot of empty areas on our walls. So I figured some additional artwork was just décor our home needed:
(Image: Various prints & things) |
Starting with the top-right section of the above photo, I revisited Ron Randall and bought a large print of Mercy St. Clair (aka Trekker). Ron also gave me a signed Trekker post card. Right below the Trekker prints is a Player vs. Player (PvP) game mat/large mouse pad, I bought during my revisit to Scott Kurtz's booth.
As to the two Firefly postcards to the right of the game mat, I'm afraid I can't remember who I bought them from. Alex & I were hustling alone, when I spotted them, grabbed a copy of each one and paid cash. Despite my haste, I did notice this booth sold Claddagh Rings and showed the cashier my own Claddagh wedding ring.
Even though my entertainment focus is predominantly military/action/adventure, I've found myself enjoying some of the slice-of-life stories out there.
One of the first I stumbled across was Girls With Slingshots, by Danielle Corsetto. Sadly Danielle ended "GWS," to take an art class, but I told Danielle I liked how she concluded the series. She's now re-posting the early strips in full color.
Reading webcomics can truly be a trip down the rabbit hole. Once I got hooked on GWS, I was then introduced to another slice-of-life comic Questionable Content (QC), by Jeph Jacques. I complimented Jeph on his work and explained to Alex that often ventures into near-future sci-fi, which feature some android characters and a space station.
My wife and I seem to live by dry-erase boards. So I thought Jeph's "Angry Bird Board" would be a great addition to our collection:
(Image: Jeph Jacques' Angry Bird as a dry erase board) |
"Angry Bird" makes his (her?) appearance with snarky comments on Holidays, or when Jeph is travelling, ill or somehow indisposed to post a comic.
The Angry Bird Board came with a marker and magnets. However, our refrigerator already has a dry-erase board, and besides, I had other plans for Angry Bird. I tried sticking it the door to my studio with double-sided tape. Either the tape was too old, or wimpy and the board dropped after a few minutes. So I'm hoping the heavy-duty double-sided tape I just bought will do the trick.
I'll also be on a quest to find suitable frames for the prints I bought--not only from this year's ECCC--but from the 2013 convention that I just re-discovered in a storage box. (After I attended the 2013 ECCC, my wife and I got married and then we moved).
Meanwhile, I've had no problem finding a spot for the PvP giant mouse pad...
(Image: My new PvP mouse pad) |
Good to hear your schedule allowed you to make this, if only for a day. I'm quite clueless to the genre, but even I have heard of Stan Lee.
Thanks for commenting Dean!
Wargaming is still my #1 hobby, but I've always liked comics, especially the war stories (go figure, right?).
I might be able to make the final hours of our Enfilade! convention, primarily to pick over the remnants of the Bring & Buy. :)
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