Saturday, September 8, 2012

Book Review: War Stories, Volume 1

War Stories, Volume 1 caught my eye at Half Price Books.  Derived from actual events, this compilation of tales vividly depicts the grim--and quirky--realities of combat during the Second World War.  All four narratives have a melocholy, or tragic ending.  Nearly all the characters in these stories are suffering from shell-shock, now called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), to some degree or another. 
So this graphic novel isn't for the faint of heart.
But then again, this may be precisely the point of the book:  To show the readers warfare's psychological casualties as well as the physical ones. 
War Stories lives up to the 5-star rating, 8 out of 11 reviewers give this work.  But you have to be in the mood to read it.

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