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Thursday, March 21, 2013

ECCC 2013: The Cosplayers of Spending Spree Sunday

After the last ECCC 2013 panel discussion, my fiance and I wandered around the examining the wares at all the booths--and watching the cosplayers in action.
For kids growing up in the 80s, "action" most likely meant Masters of the Universe.  I had just joined the military when the cartoon debuted, so I never watched it; although thanks to Mattel's marketing campaign, He-Man toys were everywhere.  This means I could be wrong about the above pair of cosplayers, but I'm assuming they're He-Man and his arch enemy Skeletor.
I'm going to put more of my ignorance on display here and let you folks know that I don't play very many video games.  Nearly all my table-top gaming friends do, so once again I'm only vaguely familiar with the approaching cosplayer...
...whom I belive is Desomond of Assassin's Creed
Technical note:  I took a lot more pictures than I've uploaded, but many of them didn't come out well.  One of the problems I had was adjusting my camera to the combination natural light and florescent lighting in the convention center.  But I thought this cosplayer's stealthy approach was too cool to leave out of this "rogues gallery."
Speaking of rogues, here's another poor picture I included which doesn't do the Jawa justice.
Whoever was in the suit, was a real crowd-pleaser his (her?) antics. There were at least a half-a-dozen camera-armed attendees gathered here at any given time the Jawa made an appearance.
Now a family that attends comic book convention together, stays together... this "Incredible" family can attest to.  I snapped three photos of this family and this was the best shot.  Maybe I can claim the blurry-looking girl was about to turn invisible?
Nor was this the only blurry image of the day.  I don't know who two represent...
...but they were in a hurry and loaded for bear. 
I managed to stop this young lady and ask her what her costume represented.   
She told me she was a Bad Program from Tron.  Good.  Now I know who to blame if my computer goes on the fritz.
Here's another cosplayer from a film I haven't seen... 
...but I knew enough about Labyrinth to recognize The Goblin King, but I didn't know his name was Jareth.
 I encountered a second Black Widow during my shopping spree...
 At least I knew who she was.  Of the group standing here...
...the only one I recognized the guy on the right as one of the alternate versions of Superman.  I guess the rest of the group were members of the Justice League of America (JLA)
Maybe this blogpost should be titled:  Cosplayers I'm Not Sure About?
Another thing I wasn't sure about was using my camera.  My fiance was more adept at handling her camera than I was with mine.  She only took a few photos, but was fascinated by this "Jacqueline Skellington" (wearing stilts underneath her costume), next to an alternate version of Batman.
Some of these cosplayers made the list of the 100 Badass Costumes of Emerald City Comicon 2013
Congratulations and I hope to see you folks again next year!

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