Studio Storyboards

Friday, March 22, 2013

ECCC 2013: Artists and Noteworthy Cosplayers

 Not every cosplayer made it on the 100 Badass Costumes of Emerald City Comicon 2013.  In the case of the black-clad figure pictured above, I wonder if the Geek Wire crew would have recognized him.  When I spotted him approaching a stand, both the artist and I simultaneously shouted:  "The Marquis!"
From what I could tell, he actually seemed relieved and told us we were the only two at the comicon who recognized him.  Not only was I impressed with his costume, (which he said was very hot to wear), but with the Pepperbox Pistols he made himself.
I became familiar with The Marquis only due to my sister, "Rox of Spazhouse."  A couple years ago she passed on her collection of the Danse Macabre comics to me as a gift.  I didn't care for the political-religious setting of the story, but I was fascinated by the main character.  What I also admired was the writer walked a tight line that kept the reader wondering:  Is this guy really a demon hunter, or a serial killer?
Another cosplayer I recognized was Zoe, my favorite character from the show Firefly.   
 According to this young lady, (I think she said her name was Kathleen); Zoe was her favorite character too.  One of the things we liked about Zoe was her weapon of choice--a sci-fi version of a Mare's Leg.  Kathleen said she liked the weapon so much she bought a Rossi Ranch Hand in the same caliber as her revolver. 
I've been thinking about buying one myself. 
While I continue my inner-debate on what Firefly-esque weaponry to acquire, I "consoled myself" purchasing items that struck my fancy at the ECCC. 
One of the first things I bought was a print by Marcio Takara.  (It wasn't until later that I thought of getting a photo taken with the artist.  When we finally returned he stepped out for a break and missed our chance).
Since I was dressed in a Spiderman Halloween costume and this was my fiance's first experience attending a comic book convention, I thought this print would be a nice commemorative momento...
Marcio signed it for both of us.  Samples of Marcio's work, like this MJ and Spidey, can be found on Deviant Art
Other treasures I acquired, included--
--My fiance bought me a Punisher T-Shirt at the Super Hero Stuff stand (try saying that three times fast)
--And finally, there were a couple of items I bought as gifts, but I'm afraid this information will have to remain classified for a while.  (Kinda like a superhero's secret identity).
On the things I missed:
Like most conferences and conventions there was a lot going on simultaneously that it was difficult to decide what to do.  Even though I attended the full-three days, I still feel I missed out on a lot.  Forturnately, the panel discussions were taped and are available through
So I have until March 28th, 2014 to catch up. 

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