Studio Storyboards

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Redshift Chronicles News Brief # 8: Merantan Rogues' Gallery

Stardate: Sixday, 049-130 ABY/Fringe Info Network (FIN)--Merantis Bureau

Subsector: Shannekam

"All the news that's fit to transmit."

Smuggling Ring Busted on Merantis

The suspect captured in yesterday's shootout in the warehouse district has been identified as Kal Jorek of Bongolaan, pictured above in a cell at the Stedmonton Constabulary Headquarters.  No warrants, or bounties have been posted on Jorek, however MIS (Merantan Intelligence Service) is trying to determine if he is a BIB (Bongolaanian Intelligence Bureau) agent. 

The photo below shows Jorek cornered by a MIS agent and armed landspeeder during yesterday's shootout:

The Tarsan investigator killed in the firefight has been identified as Nance Windu, pictured below in an archival photo, undergoing training on the planet Ossus:

Windu spent several years at the Jedi Temple on Ossus, now besieged by Imperial forces, but it is unclear whether or not he graduated.  Since there is no known next-of-kin, the news of Windu's death was transmitted earlier today via subspace radio to his trainer, Jedi Master Gandu, reported to be on Ossus.  Whether Imperial forces allow the signal to go through remains to be seen.

Two members of the smuggling gang are suspected of killing Windu and remain at large.  They are considered armed and dangerous:

Tonda Gunka

Species:  Aqualishian
Wanted for:  Murder
Bounty:  To Be Determined (TBD)


Species:  Shistavanen
Wanted for:  Murder
Bounty: TBD

The bodies of the remaining gang members, have been identified as:


The Snivvian was wounded in the initial gunbattle with the Tarsan investigators and later tracked down and killed by two officers from the Stedmonton Constabulary.

Adaziak and Diergul

Both Weequay gang members were killed by the Tarsan investigators; seen in the above archival photo, providing security for a Bongolaanian brothel, two years ago.

Daho Yudo

This Aqualishian was killed by the Tarsan investigators; seen in the above archival photo, as an enforcer for one of the gabaki plantations on Bongolaan, 2 years ago.
The warehouse hideout was searched and the following material was seized: 

1,800 kilograms of Bongolaanian gabaki
1 military-grade computer
1 military-grade subspace radio

MIS and the Stedmonton Constabulary are currently working with the Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) to determine whether this smuggling gang operated its own starship or sub-contracted others.

(Image from Wookiepedia)

Editorial Notes on BoSS, from Wookiepedia:

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