Studio Storyboards

Monday, January 24, 2011

Redshift Chronicles News Brief #7: Heat of the Fire

Stardate: Fiday, 048-130 ABY/Fringe Info Network (FIN)--Merantis Bureau

Subsector: Shannekam

"All the news that's fit to transmit."

Breaking News:  Shootout in Stedmonton

A firefight erupted this evening in Stedmonton's warehouse district between a band of smugglers and a joint task force, consisting of members from a Tarsan diplomatic security team, the Stedmonton Constabulary and the Merantan Intelligence Service (MIS).  The photo above shows the smuggling gang attempting to leave their warehouse hideout.

Four smugglers and a member of the Tarsan diplomatic security team were killed in the shootout.  One smuggler, rumored to be the ringleader, was captured by the Stedmonton Constabulary, while two surviving gang members remain at large. 

Bystanders also report hearing an explosion during the gun battle, some claiming a thermal detonator had gone off, although none of the warehouse buildings suffered any structural damage.  There is, however, an unconfirmed report that one of the Tarsan investigators was admitted to Stedmonton General Hospital suffering from multiple lacerations--possibly due to shrapnel.

In the photo below, two Tarsan investigators, (top center and lower right corner), confront the smugglers. 

The "Tarsan Trio" were originally assigned to investigate the Constellation Tower Fire, that gutted the offices of TAg Market (see Redshift Chronicles News Brief #6).  It is unclear at this time if the smuggling gang is connected with the fire, or if the Tarsans were investigating another matter of planetary security.  Tarsus is involved in a trade war with Bongolaan, while the Tarsan ambassador, Eleonora Heraud, is due to arrive within the next couple of days to attend the Star Cluster's diplomatic summit meeting.

Below, the Shannekam Subsector Map shows the relative location of the three planets mentioned in this news brief:  Tarsus, circled in green; Merantis, circled in yellow; and Bongolaan circled in red.  Bongolaan and Tatooine were incorporated into the Fel Empire on New Year's Day.

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