Studio Storyboards

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fix Bayonets 2010 at Fort Steilacoom

Historic Fort Steilacoom was the scene of the first annual "Fix Bayonets" game day, held on Saturday, 18 September:

Pictured above is Quarters 2, where all the gaming took place, while below is the historical marker by the house's doorway:

Damond, Lawrence and Bruce, all members of our regional NHMGS (Northwest Historical Gaming Society), conceived and hosted this debut event. 

The game day was divided into two periods, with 4-6 games played during each session.  Despite the intimate venue, the games represented several eras and genres.

Below, Dean and Adrian set up Ichi no Tani, a raid and rearguard action fought during Japan's Genpei War (1180-1185 A.D.):

A quick snapshot of Wes's American War of Independence (AWI) game:

Wes monitors the action as the British players advances their forces against "those damned rebels:"

Kevin's Spanish Civil War game:

Republic and National players pondering their next move:

Not every game was straight-laced historical either.  Below, a boatload of Eurpean troops are attacked by natives as they slog through the swamps of Venus, in this steampunk pulp game:

A lot of players were drawn into the "Venusian Quagmire:"

Thirty gamers attended the event and raised $300 in donations for the Historical Fort Steilacoom Society. The feedback by the attendees was predominantly positive.  There's even some clamoring to make this a twice-a-year event.  If so, I certainly plan on attending!


  1. Ted:

    Great write up and pics. I'm happy you got to play in the Samurai game. Dean

  2. Thanks Dean! You ran a great game with an interesting tactical dilemma!

