Studio Storyboards

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adding Graphic Novel Pages

I finally figured out the Pages Gadget here on Blogspot.  Utilizing this function will make my blog look more like a website without having to jump ship and build another site from from the keel up.  The only glitch in this renovation is that, due to the studio's color scheme, I can't post the page links in the traditional spot.  That is, across the screen, nor do I care for the other templates Blogspot has to offer.  As a result of this dilemma, I placed the "Studio Pages" links in the upper right hand corner, underneath the title.

I may have to develop a bona fide website eventually, in order to post additional products and expand my on-line presence. 

For now, however, the additional pages will be used to host my graphic novel-style after action reviews (AARs)/battle reports (batreps).  I already started by reposting The Bushwhackers of Kashyyyk so it will be easier for new readers to find.  Blogspot allows for 10 pages, so when I reach this limit, I'll archive my earlier work.

Until then, I'll be incrementally adding my 50-page, 2nd graphic novel to this site, which is:

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