Studio Storyboards

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Program Review & Upcoming Event: LARPs the Series

(Image from:  LARPs the series, opening sequence)

I just finished binge-watching a webseries I recently discovered:  LARPs the series.

LARP, the non-series, is an acronym meaning Live Action Role Playing.  That is, instead of sitting around a table rolling dice and pushing miniatures around, players physically act-out the action.

LARPs the series (YouTube Channel), premiered on16 January this year. 

The show follows the misadventures of "LARPers" Arthur, Shane, Evan, Brittany, and Will (pictured left-to-right in the led promotional photo, and played by Jonathan Silver, Elizabeth Neale, Jon VerrallCharlotte Rogers and Scott Humphrey).

In this first season the characters' fantasy world and daily lives blur with comedic, dramatic, and poignant results. 

The cast & crew of LARPs just finished shooting Season 2 and are currently doing post-production work. 

In the meantime, mark your calendar/set your appointment app for 29 August, just two days from now, for...

(Image from LARPs the Series Facebook Event Page)


  1. Thanks for pointing this series out. I had not heard of it before. I am watching Season 1 as fast as I can ready for season 2!

  2. Thanks for commenting Shaun! Most viewers lamented the episodes weren't longer. I found them short enough to binge-watch without taking too much time. The creators promised Season 2's episodes will be longer. Enjoy!
