Studio Storyboards

Friday, January 23, 2015

Book Review: Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative

Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative is Book #2 in Will Eisner's how-to series on the principles of creating comics.

I liked this book as much as Book #1, Comics and Sequential Art.  Probably more so, because this one focused more on storytelling than art.  I think the reason why this book had better appeal for me is because I'm more of a writer than an artist.

While the focus of Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative was in writing, its just as lavishly illustrated as the previous book was.  Eisner even used comics from other writers to fill his pages and make his points.

My only complaint about this was that some of the narrative and dialogue print was so small, I had to break-out my bifocals, instead of using my usual reading glasses.

Otherwise, this is another 5-star work from the grand master of comics.

Copies are still available on, ranging from $10.97 to $38.50Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative has earned an average 4.5-star rating from 25 reviewers:  20 x 5-star ratings, 4 x 4-star ratings and a solitary 2-star rating. 

The 2-star rater thought you could learn as much by "...watching movies and reading a lot of comics and then analyzing them..."  Probably.  But it's nice to read a mentor's words on why these principles work.

The 4-star raters thought the book was good, even excellent, but had some shortcomings, such as, lack of detailed instructions, typos and illustrations that dragged on.

Everyone else, including me, thought Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative was awesome.

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