Studio Storyboards

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Buying Board Games Down Under

Dael Kingsmill rants about discusses the problems Australians have when buying boardgames and other merchandise.

I get turned off about on-line purchases when the shipping and handling (S&H) fees are over $15 (US).  I can't imagine contending with the prices our Australian gamer friends deal with.


  1. Probably not much help, but I often have American clients coming over to Spain to do tours with me of the Spanish Civil War (Australian International Brigader Kevin Rebecchi is buried in Vic near where I live!).

    I gently ask them if they would be willing to receive books (and sometimes games) to their home address and bring them over for me. I pay for them and get them sent to their address, so no payments on their part. My other argument is that when they return they have space for lots and lots of souvenirs! It works. And with British connections and British/German boardgames, it might work from Europe too?

    However, the only doenside might be the delay? But they do say that half the pleasure is in the waiting!

  2. It looks like you have a nice system going for you Alan. Every little bit helps, and it sounds like a win-win for you and the tourists.
