Studio Storyboards

Saturday, September 14, 2013

One Minute of Shameless Self-Promotion

 Okay, it's more like one-minute and seven seconds, according to YouTube.  I finally finished making my YouTube Channel all snazzy--or at least as snazzy as I can get it.

The biggest problem I had was how to get a picture to fit into the Channel Art frame.  That's the long banner-like image you'll find along the top of various personal channels.  Every picture I have was too small in its original format to fit into the banner, which has a pixel dimension of 2120 x 1190. 

There are on-line instructions on how to resize images, but they're written for people using Photoshop, which I don't have.

But I do have, often referred to as a "poor man's Photoshop."

One day I was playing around with the program and--behold! 

I stumbled across the Resize function, under the Image Tab of the toolbar.  I took the Raking Fire image I've been using as a logo, made some adjustments on the wording and installed it as Stern Rake Studio's Channel Art

It's not exactly how I how I envisioned it would look like, but it will certainly do for now.  At least it's better than the default black & gray cube art.

With the Channel Art in place, I then turned to making my Channel Trailer

Basically, this is a one-minute and seven second advertisement for Stern Rake Studio.  So along with a sampling of movies that are currently "on the air," there's a call for viewers to subscribe.

I also hope my current fans enjoy it.

The channel trailer is labelled as a first edition, because I intend to update it as I make more movies and hopefully get better at what I'm doing.


  1. I enjoy your movies Ted - thanks for making them and sharing them.

  2. You're welcome Rod! I'm glad you like them and thank you for subscribing to my YouTube Channel.
