Studio Storyboards

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

ECCC 2013: Fanboy Friday, The Opening Scene

(Image from:
Yesterday, I wrote that my original intent was to attend panel discussions on the craft of writing comics at this year's Emerald City Comicon (ECCC 2013). 
Well, that went out the window when I managed to get through the ticket/badge exchange line with just enough time to make the "Felicia Day--Warrior Queen Goddess of All Nerds" interview, being held in the Main Hall. 
So instead of toiling away, scribbling notes, I decided today I'd play "fanboy."
By the time got to the Main Hall, the ginormous room was 75% occupied and was filling fast.  At the distance I sat, Felicia and her hostess, IMDb's Melanie McFarland, appeared no bigger than my thumb.  Setting my camera for maximum magnification, I managed to snap a couple grainy photos.
Fortunately, the whole convention was being recorded by, so there were a couple of big screens in the Main Hall for those of us sitting in steerage.
During the interview and Q&A session, Felicia discussed her career as an actress and  how her interest in gaming melded with her web video productions, especially The Guild.  This webseries is currently in hiatus while Felicia & CO focus on other things.  These projects usually fall under her Geek & Sundry company.  Her "info and how-to" segment is known as The Flog, (short for "Felicia's Video Log"), which is updated each Monday.
One of the benefits of sitting towards the back of the Main Hall, was that I was close to the exit when the interview was over.  As I left, I assumed this was as close as I'll get to the "Warrior Queen Goddess of All Nerds." 
However, as I meandered through the gaming area, I stumbled across the Gaming Celebrities Autograph Section.  Since I had both volumes of The Guild graphic novels, I figured now was the best time to get them autographed, rather then lug them around for another day or two.
The line for Felicia's booth didn't seem too long, especially since she dropped her autograph price from $35 to $25 and included a free photo op.  (Yes folks, you have to pay for celebrity autographs because this is how conventions recoup their money for getting celebrities to attend). 
Normally, I bring something to read when I expect to be standing in line.  (I already read the graphic novels--twice).  Oh the irony of ironies!  Here I was at a comic book convention with nothing new to read.  So to pass the time, I chatted with my fellow line-mates and took pictures of nearby cosplayers
During the hour I stood in line, I developed a vague idea what I'd chat with Miss Day about.  I wanted to compliment her work, because thanks to her Flog, I discovered other interesting webseries that I've enjoyed.
But when it came to my turn to get Felicia's autograph, my vague ideas dissolved.  Or to put it another way, I had a "Ralphie meets Santa moment."
So what did I talk to her about? 
The weather.
Could there possibly be any other way to spell "B-O-R-I-N-G" than discussing the weather?
The conversation went like this--
Me:  Are you enjoying your stay in Seattle?
Felicia:  Oh, I love Seattle!  But I can't live here, because I like a lot of sunlight.  That's why I live in LA.
Me:  I actually love it here because my home town in Upstate NY gets nearly as many cloudy days as Seattle does.  So the weather here reminds me of home.
And then it was time for the photo op...
While I may have bored the poor girl with my comparison of the prevailing weather conditions in New York State's Southern Tier Region with the Pacific Northwest, she was sweet enough to write a couple of endearments in both my graphic novels.  (I later learned that one was suppose to pay the posted fee for each item).
Besides, at least I didn't bring something like this for her to autograph...
(Image highjacked from Felicia Day's Facebook Page)
...which according to Facebook post, was the wierdest thing she's ever had to sign. 
I certainly wouldn't want such noteriety, so talking about the weather may not have been such a bad thing afterall.

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