Studio Storyboards

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Star Wars RPG PCs: Garik Starka and Tren Luk

Disembarking from their shuttle, Garik Starka (human scout) and Tren Luk (Duros scoundrel), are represented by Mercenary Commander (35/40 Fringe 24 and Duros Scoundrel (43/60 Fringe 12), figures, respectively.  Both were manufactured for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Miniatures.  The shuttle, a paper model, was available at Ebbles Miniatures. 

Tren Luk
(Size--Medium) Duros Scoundrel 1

Tren’s parents owned a small shipping firm located on Duro.  Tren, an only child, was actually born on a starship during one of his family’s business ventures.  Unfortunately, the family home and business was destroyed, along with major portions of the planet, during General Grievous’s Operation Durge's Lance, at the height of the Clone Wars.  His father was wounded during the Battle of Duro.
The rise of the Empire hasn’t helped the Luk family.  Forced to relocate to orbital cities, while the Empire pillaged Duro’s natural resources, Tren’s parents lacked the finances and political connections to buy an adequate-sized apartment.  To add insult to injury, the only jobs they could get were custodial positions—which they hold to this day.
In order to escape the poverty of the lower levels, Tren became involved in a juvenile gang, something his father continually fought against, but to no avail.  Despite--or maybe because of, his gang connections--Tren managed to graduate from starship pilot training.  Once he was old enough, Tren signed-on with an independent freighter, where he met…
Garik Starka
(Size--Medium) Human Scout 1

Garik’s life mirrored Tren’s in several ways.  Born and raised on Corell, in the Corellia System, Garik followed his father’s footsteps and learned the trade of scouting.  While his father specialized in wilderness tracking, Garik was more interested in starship operations.  Garik’s father ran his own outfitter business, taking tourists to the peak of Dregan's Pike.  However, in the aftermath of Operation Durge’s Lance and the devastation of Duro, the business folded in the following recession.  Garik’s father now works as a taxi speeder driver in Coronet, the capital city, while his mother works as a cashier in a speeder parts store.
Both Player Characters (PCs) became friends and budding-business partners shortly after the Clone Wars (circa 19 BBY). 
They’re ambivalent about the Empire and are more concerned about the health and welfare of their respective parents.  (They send 10-20% of their earnings home).  They currently work for a private shipping company, specializing in government contracts for transporting supplies, equipment and personnel (the other PCs), for the Empire. 
They plan on owning their own YT-Series starship once they’ve scraped up enough credits.  Right now, they’re content serving their time on board—whatever ship they’re assigned to. 

(Click on image to enlarge)
Tren Luk's Stats

Destiny: -- Force: 5 Dark Side: 0

Init: +2 Senses:

Languages: Basic and Durese

Defenses: Ref-15, Fort-12, Will-12

HP 19; Threshold 12

Speed: 6

Base Atk: +0

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17

Talents: Expert Pilot, Spacehound

Feats: Weapon Proficiencies (Blaster Pistols, Simple Weapons and Starship Weapons), Point-Blank Shot

Skills (Trained): Initiative +7, Persuasion +8, Pilot +7, Mechanics +6, Use Computer +6

Possessions: Heavy Blaster Pistol, Knife, Concealed Holster, Data Pad, Credit Chip, Power Recharger, Binder Cuffs, Utility Belt with the following--3 day supply of food capsules, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, liquid cable dispenser, small grappling hook, comlink and glowrod; plus 2 additional Power Packs.

Garik Starka's Stats

Destiny: -- Force: 5 Dark Side: 0

Init: +1 Senses:

Languages: Basic

Defenses: Ref-13, Fort-12, Will-11

HP 25; Threshold 12

Speed: 6

Base Atk: +0

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12

Talents: Jury Rigger

Feats: Shake It Off, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiencies (Blaster Pistols, Blaster Rifles and Simple Weapons)

Skills (Trained): Endurance +6, Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6 , Pilot +6 ,

Possessions: Blaster Carbine with Standard Scope, Knife, Credit Chip, Fusion Lantern, Utility Belt with the following--3 day supply of food capsules, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, liquid cable dispenser, small grappling hook, comlink and glowrod; plus 2 additional Power Packs.

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