Studio Storyboards

Saturday, April 29, 2017

My Micro Scale Fighting Emplacements

A few years ago, my friend Adrian sold/gave me seven of these micro-scale (6 millimeter, 1/285th scale) fortified positions.

Neither one of us can recall where he originally got them, or who made them.

I'm not even sure what they actually are.  The concrete building incorporated in the berm doesn't have any firing ports, and the position is too open to be fortified position for infantry.

So my WAG (Wild-Ass Guess) is these are emplacements for heavy artillery, and the bunker is the site's ammunition magazine.

Well whatever they are, after being in my care for a few years, I finally finished painting and flocking them.  Part of the reason this took me so long was that I have other projects I'm working on, and since I do all my flocking in the garage, it's something of a seasonal activity--the weather can't be too hot, or too cold.

For this photo shoot, I placed a Soviet heavy artillery piece (122mm?) inside the three I selected.  Then I photographed a single gun emplacement in order to provide a view from all sides:

The heavy gun emplacements weren't the only fighting positions I finished working on.

I bought several infantry fighting positions a year or so ago from Monday Knight Production's Action Terrain Line during one of my infrequent forays to Enfilade!

Here are front and back views of the fighting positions:

These along with the Action Terrain buildings are patterned after the ones seen on various Squad Leader and Advanced Squad Leader map boards.

The only issue I have with these pieces are they're more aesthetic than functional.  The only micro-scale figures I can fit into them are ones mounted on half-inch squares (formerly blank board game counters).

These positions are now manned by two mortar crews on the left and right ends of the defensive line, while heavy machine guns and crews occupy the two center positions.

Since I have a lot of World War II and sci-fi figures mounted on half-inch bases, I'll still be able to put these fighting positions to good use.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Mounted Medieval Figures for WAB Corner Collection

(The "inspiration" for my Lion Rampant retinue:  From Monty Python and the Holy Grail)  
Before my Easter Break, I wrote about my acquisition of medieval figures from my friend Dean, author of the popular WAB Corner.

Somewhere in cyberspace, (I can't seem to find where), Dean replied that all I needed to complete my Lion Rampant retinue were some mounted figures.

The other day, I realized:  I do have a handful of knights on horseback.  They're just not anywhere near as well-painted as my gaming friends can do.

When I was stationed in Germany--about two dozen years ago--I'd buy a handful of figures, made by a company once called Fantasy (Metal Magic), every pay day at a local hobby store.  At the time, they were about one German Mark each for single foot-bound figures, while the ones on horseback were about two Marks.

This was before Europe adapted the Euro, so if I remember correctly,  one Mark equaled 60-70 cents, depending on the exchange rate.  Despite the great prices, I still didn't buy every figure listed in Metal Magic's catalog.

Someday I'll take a complete inventory.

Today's short subject though, is about my handful of Mounted Paladins.

I painted these figures shortly after purchasing them, so the paint job is over 20 years old.  I never attempted painting heraldry on these or any of my medieval/fantasy figures. 

Fortunately, only a few figures show wear & tear.  One knight is sporting a lance with a broken tip.  Several years ago I added matboard bases to add more stability to the figures.  Then a few years ago, I went on a flocking spree, adding grass & grit to the bases of these--and most of the figures in my entire miniature collection.

Anyway, this is probably the shortest photo gallery I've posted, but it turned out to be one of the most frustrating.  Because of how my Plain Paladins are stored, the knights aren't glued to the saddles.  So during my photo shoot the knights would become "unhorsed."  Even if they managed to remain in the saddle some don't appear to be sitting straight.

Here's how the master craftsmen at Metal Magic envisioned their knights-in-shining armor:

(Image from a scanned copy of Metal Magic's catalog)

And here's a look at my Plain Paladins:

(Five knights, mounted on caparison-draped horses, prepare to charge)
(Knights patrolling the realm)
(A more ground-eye's view of the knights and their caparisoned horses)

(Three knights mounted on horsed encased in barding prepare to charge)
(Patrolling the realm in full plate armor)
(A more elevated view of the plate armored patrol)

Whether my paladins are wonderfully or woefully painted, at least I won't be committing the faux-pas of fielding bare metal figures.

Besides, they'll probably perform some variation of this well-known maneuver in any tabletop encounter...

(Image by:  Dyemelikeasunset)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

(Image from:  The Sun UK)

Best wishes to all of you this Easter Sunday.

Friday, April 14, 2017

WAB Corner Collection #2--Medievals

(Image, The Battle of Worringen by Wraith DT)

This second installment of my WAB Corner Collection consists of various medieval factions.

Nearly all the figures are from Old Glory Miniatures various 25mm historical range with one exception, which I'll make note of later.

Overall, Dean's figures are based on the troops and heraldry from the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) of the 13th Century, and specifically centered around the Battle of Worringen (5 June 1288).

 A couple years ago, Dean set up a Worringen scenario, and then played-out the battle using the rules Lion Rampant by Osprey Publishing.

The results of Dean's tabletop battle was anything but historical, but he and his friend Kimo enjoyed themselves.

And now, at least two allied contingents of the Duchy of Brabant may (someday) march again!

Old Glory's Mongols in Europe range painted as serjeants from the Duchy of Juelich.
An elevated view of the Juelicher serjeants.

More Old Glory Mongols in Europe range, this time representing serjeants from the Duchy of Berg.
A ground level view of Berger serjeants.

On a medieval battlefield, there's no such thing as "too much firepower."  John I, Duke of Brabant has two cannons at his disposal.

A gun battery from Old Glory's Hussite range.
A second view of the cannons.
In addition to the big guns, the Brabantines are packin' more portable firepower.

These handgunners are also from Old Glory's Hussite range.
A second unit of handgunners...
...and a third unit of handgunners.
Despite the newfangled firearms, the Brabantines also rely on some tried-and-true missile weapons.
A "mixed" unit of crossbowmen.  That is, these figures came from Old Glory's Norman and Hussite ranges.

These archers were converted from Wargames Factory Numidians.
Another look at the former-Numidian archers in skirmish order (without the movement tray).

And then there's the serf's who toil on the Duke's lands--until there's a call-to-arms.

Armed serfs from various Old Glory ranges.

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Id...

(Image: Cover to The Wizard of Id #3)
"The King is a Fink!"

For more on The Wizard of Id, check out John Hart Studios.

Monday, April 10, 2017

WAB Corner Collection #1--Ancients

(Dean's set up of the Siege of Haengju)
For the past several months, I've been buying 25mm painted miniatures from my friend Dean, an exceptional artist and author of the popular WAB Corner blog.

During a long lull in my work schedule, I managed to take pictures of some of my recent purchases.

I'll be posting my "WAB Corner Collection" in chronological order.

So in this initial post I'll be showing off displaying my new acquisition of ancient-era figures:
Hypaspists command group by 1st Corps Miniatures
Command group close-up
Oscan-Samnite heroes or leaders.  Update and Correction, 15 April 17:  Dean originally used these as singles for casualty removal)
Oscan, or Samnite cavalry by Crusader Miniatures.  (Update and Correction, 15 April 17: According to Dean, these figures are Tarentine cavalry, which are from Redoubt Enterprises)
Oscan-Samnite cavalry preparing to charge.
Oscan-Samnite cavalry pass in review.
"Imitation" (allied) Legionnaires by 1st Corps Miniatures.
A close up of the faux-legionnaires.
Thyreophoroi by Crusader Miniatures
A close-up of the Thyreophoroi.
Thracian tribesmen by Crusader Miniatures.
Thracian tribesman--too close for comfort.
Cretan Archers from Old Glory Miniatures
Cretan archers, up-close and personal.

Next up:  Medieval figures.